According to the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, 70% of U.S. Adults have experienced some type of trauma or traumatic event in their lives.  

Today’s workforce holds decades of experience. Both in terms of skills and knowhow, but also in the accumulation of decades of traumatic events and experiences.  

From generational impacts like wars, terrorist attacks, natural disasters, to individual experiences with lasting impacts; these events shape the people who make up our teams and organizations. And, unfortunately, trauma does not appear to be waning for future generations.  

The impacts of trauma can be pervasive and integrate into every facet of a person's life, including their work. Unaddressed or unacknowledged trauma can lead to a host of issues. There are physical manifestations of trauma that can impair work and life enjoyment. Some manifestations can also have negative effects on those around them. 

With a significant portion of the workforce facing the impacts of trauma- their own, a loved one, or even secondary or vicarious trauma; the impacts are bound to spill over into the work environment. 

The Wounded Workforce is dedicated to addressing how trauma shows up at work and we are grateful you are here to be part of the solution!

Hi, I’m Stephanie Lemek, Founder & CEO of The Wounded Workforce

I have over 16 years of experience in a variety of HR roles, spanning various industries and in organizations ranging from large Fortune 500 to growing start-ups.

In every role, I've noticed that the workplace just isn’t built with everyone in mind. And despite the best efforts of HR teams and leaders, sometimes people still don’t have the right supports to be successful.

With a lifelong mission of helping both organizations and individuals be successful (and at the same time!), there had to be a way to create organizational cultures where everyone can be successful- and that’s where trauma informed workplaces come in!

Through a passion and research, I've found what I was looking for to help leaders, HR, and Talent professionals approach the workplace with an understanding and responsiveness to the traumatic experiences over 70% of adults bring with them to the workplace, didn’t exist. So, I set on a mission to build it myself and I am grateful to have you here to help build it!