Trauma Informed Workplace Practitioner


Learn about trauma, how it shows up in the workplace, and how to build a culture based on The Wounded Workforce's Principles of trauma informed workplace cultures.

Approved for 10 hours of General Recertification Credits through both SHRM and HRCI.


Course Outline Highlights

Module 1: Introduction

·      What is Trauma?

·      The Three “E’s” of Trauma

·      Trauma’s prevalence and impact

·      Trauma in the Workplace

·      What Does it Mean to be Trauma Informed?

Module 2: Safety

·      Safety as a fundamental Human Need

·      Introduction to Holistic Safety

Module 3: Trust & Transparency

·      The Types of Trusters

·      Building Trust at Every Level

·      Thoughtful Transparency

Module 4: Community

·      The Power of Connection

·      The Loneliness Epidemic’s Impact on the Workplace

·      How to Foster Community at Work

Module 5: Collaboration

·      Collaboration and Power Dynamics in the Workplace

·      Different types of Power/Power Imbalances and how they might show up at work

·      Reflecting on your own Power

·      Organizational Design and Power

·      Minimizing the negative impacts of imbalanced power

Module 6: Empowerment (Part 1)

·      Introduction to Empowerment

·      Creating Choice

·      Choice in Action

·      Leveraging Strengths at Work

·      Strengths-based Tools and Resources

Module 7: Empowerment (Pt 2)

·      The Power of Recognition

·      Creating meaningful recognition

·      Recognition in Action

·      The Importance of Growth

·      Understanding Neuroplasticity

·      Facilitating individual and team growth

·      Growth in Action

Module 8: Humility & Responsiveness

·      The Six Intrapersonal Aspects of Humility

·      The Challenges of Humility for Traditionally Marginalized communities

·      Acknowledgement

·      A word on Apology and Forgiveness

·      Responsiveness- why Injury requires meaningful action

Module 9: Cultural, Historical, & Gender Issues

·      How Cultural, Historical, & Gender Issues Interact with Trauma

·      Generational Trauma

·      Response to Trauma and Community Support

·      DEI and Trauma Informed Cultures- Partners in an Equitable Future of Work

Module 10: Pulling it all Together for Action

·      Trauma Informed HR Functions

·      Creating a Roadmap to a Trauma Informed Culture

·      Building the Business Case

·      Systems and Processes as the Scaffold for Trauma Informed Organizations

·      Plan for Action